Greetings to anyone who has stumbled onto this blog and is curious enough to keep reading.
Before I finally decided to jump off the end of the dock and join the community of bloggers, I stayed in the background and just watched the phenomenon. I've been reading a number of blogs—some regularly, some not so regularly and some never again—and my reactions have run the full gamut from fascination at an idea and total agreement with a sentiment to disappointment at the shallowness of a thought and regret about time wasted and lost forever.
So why do people do this blogging thing anyway? I believe that (for now) I should try to answer that question for me alone and keep my theories about the motivations of others to myself.
First off, I am NOT writing a blog for any of the following reasons:
a) sharing a personal diary has been a life-long dream
b) a soapbox for my political rants is the only thing missing from my plan for world domination
c) I'm a famous celebrity and this is the only way I can say something as a member of hoi polloi.
To move on to why I am writing a blog:
a) I find myself reading the news or listening to news on the radio and wondering why the story ended where it did or why a certain question was not asked or why do I have this bad taste in my mouth. Other times, I watch the world around me and I am stunned or amazed by an event I was unfortunate or fortunate enough to witness. I think a blog is an excellent medium with which to participate in a conversation since I'm not about to start a conversation with a total stranger in a coffee shop. There is a comforting level of anonymity inherent in the blog world.
b) every daily journal I've ever started has gone blank about three days into the venture and I feel guilty about having wasted the paper I scribbled on. The tech gene is strong in me (compared to some) and perhaps the digital aspect of a blog will motivate me to keep it up and keep thinking about things I need to think about some more in order to reach an individual resolution.
c) I have no item to type here. I just wanted to maintain the symmetry and have three reasons why not and three reasons why these blog-bytes exist.
That's all for now. I doubt I've filled in a gap that needed filling but I'm feeling all giddy nevertheless.
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Jumping in with both feet
4:48 PM
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Real reasons that Lee is blogging (Alternate title: "The truth Exposed"):
a. World domination is only a blog away.
b. Got rid of her television. And cats aren't very entertaining.
c. After running off with Brad Pitt following his divorce from Jennifer Aniston and adopting her second child, she needs some down time.
(PS - This is far from the truth. Lee is terribly sincere and intelligent. I anticipate the blog as Charlie anticipates his tour of the Wonka factory.)
So, are you saying that those of us who blog because sharing a personal diary is a life-long dream are somehow bad? ;-)
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