I have been experiencing quite the blog jam. There I am just minding my own business, going about my day when WHAM! an idea for a blog post bops me right on the head. It'll be great, I say. It'll be funny/witty/informative/worth the click/etc. Well, if my recent posting history serves as any indicator as to how well my intentions of turning thoughts into bytes goes, then let this be a lesson to all you aspiring bloggers out there.
I think I will spend some time today fine-tuning this here site. Rather than having a blog roll full of blogs I never visit but always have intentions to do so, I believe I will change the roll call to something like Current Book and include both titles in old media and new media. I am totally sucked into books on pdas and books on bytes but there is something about the physical act of turning the page that keeps me nosing around in bookstores. I think the list of titles will be, uh, eclectic, to say the least.
I believe I will also add a listing of Last Movies seen. In order to prove I am not un-American and that I am, indeed, with us, I watched The Graduate the other night. I never understood the significance of the line "Plastics." I mean, The T and I went round and round with how I must have known that was a movie line—and a classic one, at that—while I insisted I was not aware of its cultural significance and that I had no idea how often I used it or some other two-syllable word, delivered dryly yet with over-the-top conviction.
My new practice in movie watching is to read The Wik entry soon after seeing the movie. This is my effort to learn all the Trivial Pursuit answers before the next version of the game is released and without having to slog through the director's comments on disc 2. Gaia save us. Is there a bigger waste of digitization then the frame by frame analysis of "what I was trying to do here" or "what the cigar represented was the see-saw he had fallen off of as a child." Anyway, The Wik is chock full of info available at less than one-eighth the ego preening. For instance, the lead cast of The Graduate might very well have consisted of Marilyn Monroe, Burt Ward, and Sally Field as Mrs. R., Ben, and Elaine, respectively, instead of Anne Bancroft, Dustin Hoffman, and Katharine Ross. While I can picture Ms. Monroe seducing a younger man, I cannot picture her pulling off the other scenes in which Mrs. R's true colors show through in her manipulative and devious actions.
Oh, and good career choice, Mr. Ward. Holy stockings! Are you trying to seduce me, Mrs. Robinson?
Anyway, I'm going to start tweaking the column to the left. Enjoy today's entertainment, in honor of Mao.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
So many posting ideas, so little time
2:59 PM
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Oh, man. The Graduate? Favorite movie, almost of all time. Really. So stylish, so funny, so sentimental. Why don't I have a giant scuba suit I can get into when people are yelling at me?
Meanwhile, what thinkest thou of the Buffy Omnibus? I have the issues for season 8, but I've hesitated over those that dont' have the Whedon stamp of approval. Review, pleez.
Also, did I tell you I have an article due in June that's talking about Buffy fan videos on YouTube? This is my job. For realsies.
The Omnibus is interesting. Since I never saw the premiere episode or the movie, I feel like some gaps are filling in.
I don't know what to say about the lack of a Whedon seal of approval. My fear is that other so-called comics experts are going to start applying their own vision to the characters and Buffy's bosom is going to grow exponentially so she looks like every other female in comics.
I can't believe this is your job. That smell is envy, dear.
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