Tuesday, September 16, 2008

But how do you really feel?

So there I am yesterday, at my first day of school, all shiny and happy and ready to face the challenges of the new year. I will not actually identify those challenges each by name in this post—they are Legion and I would rather focus on here what was the focus of my yesterday.

The year began as is the tradition here at the CC on the Hill ... how have I not thought to call it CCHill before, folks, eh? (I now have David Bowie in my head singing "ch-ch-ch-chill" to the tune of "ch-ch-ch-changes") ... what was I talking about? Oh yes, I was heading off to the traditional morning coffee hour and welcome back by the Prez when I saw my new colleague's door open. Remembering all too well what it was like to be the fresh meat, I offered to walk over with him and introduce him around. We had a lovely chat during which I assured him, a southwest desert transplant, that the rain this corner of the continent is famous for would get here soon enough. And what's the rush, anyway?

After the Prez's greeting, the Veeps introduce the new hires in their respective areas. This is when the tone for my year was set, I believe. When the Veep got to my colleague, he introduced him by saying, "And you know Dr. Math is new because he is sitting next to Lee."

ba-dum-bum. Annnnnnnd we're off.

1 comment:

Frenchie Foo said...


Say something rude in Italian next time. Speaking of which, where are all the details about your European vacation???? Feed the jealous hordes, please.