Then did he raise on high the Holy Queue of Netflix, saying, "Bless this, O Lord, that with it thou mayst veg on the couch and eat popcorn, in thy mercy." And the people did rejoice and did feast upon the junk food and onion dip and jello and trail mix and pork rinds and breakfast cereals ... Now did the Lord say, "First thou signest up on the website. Then thou must click at least three titles. Three shall be the number of the counting and the number of the counting shall be at least three. Four shalt thou not receive immediately, neither shalt thou choose only two, excepting that thou then proceedeth to three. Five is right out, until two titles have been returned. Once the number three, being the number of the counting, be reached, then clickest thou the submit button and begin to wait for the mailman, who, being worthy in my sight, shall deliver it." (many apologies to Monty Python)
If you could not discern from the passage above, we've fallen off the edge and into the Netflix abyss. Our lives, from which television has been absent for 2 years, 4 months and 28 days, have just drastically changed. Let the vegging out begin anew!
This is going to be interesting. When the tv fast first began, 2years4months28days ago, myself and The T wondered how anything had ever been accomplished previous to the banishment of the idiot box. We did not suddenly find ourselves awash in extra time to be spent bettering mankind. Rather, we were perplexed at the notion that anything had ever been accomplished at all. The tasks at hand swelled to fill the vacuum no longer occupied by commercials and SportsCenter and made for tv movies and the Star Wars Holiday Special.
When it came to adding titles to the queue, the decision paralysis which struck initially very quickly became click-o-rama! The poor trackpad had hot spots from The T's fingers moving so fast. With all the mouse clicking going on, the living room sounded like that old commercial for the game Trouble with the pop-o-matic.
We haven't even gotten our first title yet and I'm already making tv references. Stay tuned, Bat fans.
Since I mentioned junk food:What happens to your body if you drink a Coke right now?
Other wacky uses for Coke
You don't like what I said? I'll just change the translation. From Wikipedia: " 'Bite the wax tadpole' is a rough translation for one of the names previously used by Coca-Cola to translate the name of their product into Chinese. The original Chinese is kǒukē-kǒulà (口蝌口蜡), which does approximate the sound of "Coca-Cola" quite closely, and which might more literally be translated as "mouth tadpole, mouth wax". When it was discovered that this name had an unappetizing sound, Coca-Cola changed their translation to kěkǒu-kělè (可口可乐), meaning roughly "tasty and fun", after which the beverage became increasingly popular in China."
Friday, December 29, 2006
Get in the queue
9:55 PM
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