Saturday, June 30, 2007

Blessed are the Not-So-Bright...

... for they make the rest of us laugh out loud. And on occasion we must use all our willpower to keep from spraying iced tea through our nose.

Overheard at La Cuillère Graisseuse* this morning:

Patron: Can I get a piece of coffee cake to go, please?

Waitron: Yes. Would you like that heated? With butter?


Patron: Could you heat it with a microwave?

To the waitron's credit, she replied 'of course' and walked away. I had no such escape, perched upon the counter stool as I was, and I think I did physical damage to my sinus cavity making sure the iced tea went down and down the correct pipe.

* desktop translation programs are dangerous in the hands of the monolingual

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