Sunday, April 06, 2008

It's 9AM, do you know where you are?

Greetings, fellow carbon units! I hail thee from... from... Denver?!?
Ugh. This vacation just will not end. Of all the family units
congregating in Cancun, The T and I were the last to arrive and the
first to leave. Alas, we may possibly be the last to also arrive home.
Yesterday--I believe it was yesterday; after a week of not telling
time it is hard to do so again, even with big units of time like
'days'--we began the journey north from Paradise. Every single flight
on the departure board was delayed, regardless of airline or
destination. Every single one. Since we knew we had only a 55 minute
layover in Denver, we realized we would not be home on Saturday night.
Frontier Air claims the delay was their fault so they gave everyone a
hotel voucher and some meal money but what would a Frontier mechanical
problem have to do with every single Cancun departure flight being
delayed? I smell some good old-fashioned customer service here. Me
thinks Frontier may have just ponied up the vouchers rather than deal
with 60+ passengers on our plane and who knows how many on the one
that trailed behind us. How many times would you want to have to
explain to a very tired, very tanned, very irate individual why it is
not your fault they are stranded? And can you imagine being the single
employee who had to deal with that mob? I think Frontier did a very
good thing and I am grateful to have had a bed under me last night.
Today's itinerary has us traveling to Seattle via Billings, MT with a
final arrival sometime before the next solstice. I kid. I think we'll
see the Paw Posse around 11 PM, once we drive home from the aeroport.
OK by me.

Similar arrangements, however, were not OK with the very first woman
in line who was offered the same deal. She said that it was
unacceptable and she could not be expected to lose two days like this
and--here's the comment that frosted my chickens--she's a professor,
by golly, and I want to speak to the supervisor. The prof line almost
caused me to begin polling my fellow strandees as to their job titles.
Why on earth did this woman think her professorship entitled her to
anything beyond what was available and possible? It is the end of
spring break, for pete's sake. Two other folks who volunteered to go
stand-by were told that if nothing came available for them today, they
could not expect anything until Tuesday. And the 'losing two days'
mentality is also ignorant. The travel days are part of the vacation,
honey, that's why it is called a week of vacation. The T and I left
Paradise before the rest of the clan for just this very reason. Since
we built in a disaster day, being stranded in Denver is not such a
hardship. If for some strange reason I blog this evening from Billings
rather than the home front, I may be a bit angry but at the moment I
just want coffee. More later, gang. I'm going to go show off my tan in
the dining room.

Sent from my iPhone

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