Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Enter the Fray

OK all you residents of the Buffyverse (you know who you are), run—don't walk—run to your local book peddlar and get your hands on a copy of Fray, Joss Whedon's first graphic novel. The main character is Melaka Fray and she is everything Buffy was, sans the Scoobies.

If I am not prepped for class tomorrow it is because I was once again unable to put this book down. I almost didn't get to sleep last night. The pages seemed to turn themselves. I can hardly wait to re-read it and I haven't even finished my first run yet.

I thought that Whedon's skill at writing great dialogue couldn't possibly translate well into a static medium where the speed I read at dictates the flow of the conversation. Also, in a graphic novel, the art, layout, design, and etc. all factor into the pace one moves through a page. Well, it all works in this text. I particularly liked Melaka's reaction to, uh, not ducking: You hib my face wib a girder. You can just hear that being said in our house incessantly now, can't you?

It is good to know that mankind still has a protector long after Sunnydale dropped off the map (literally).

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