Sunday, May 18, 2008

Leaking Coinage in the Emerald City

I'm trying my hardest to pull the country out of this recession. The aspect of the economy I am focusing my efforts on is the 'math game and puzzle' category. I spent a good deal of time yesterday wandering the aisles of a store that some might consider a circle of hell. Others, like me, might have hoped upon entering the store that the Rapture had happened and we could keep the goodies for ourselves. The wares on the shelves were of the "Cube: Disassemble and Reassemble" variety, "Using Marbles and Game Boards to Conquer Space, Time, and Your Opponent" variety, and the "I'm not sure how many pieces are in there but it looks like it would amuse The T for quite a while" variety.

Another temple of capitalism I visited yesterday was Apple, Inc. I managed to contribute my semi-regular tithe to the coffers without threatening the next mortgage payment but it was not easy, mind you. I walked out with only what I walked in for. It was both disconcerting and oddly comforting. I need to reflect on this more. Am I feeling guilt for not buying something I don't need in the first place?

Sent from my iPhone

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